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Beyond posed perfection, raw and real. Capturing the soul (imperfections and all) of your journey



HEYYYYY… My name is Shirley!!!

Are you looking to capture your journey into parenthood?

Well you’ve arrived to the right place! I am passionate about capturing new families through their wonderful parenting journey. Documenting Maternity, Birth, Newborn, and beyond, while also providing Post-Partum Overnight Doula Services.

Click here to learn a little more about me.

Can’t wait to learn more about YOU! <3



I started my business in photography in 2016 and I am very passionate about capturing candid and beautiful moments in families from the moment they learn they are expecting until their babies are no longer little ones. I am completely over the moon with Birth Photography.

PostPartum Care

After years of supporting families through newborn photography, I noticed a huge need on providing emotional and physical support to new parents during this time. Providing Postpartum Doula care is definitely a dream come true.


The Experience!!!

I want clients to feel like friends and family when I work with them. We’ll laugh (even cry) together, we’ll have fun and be patient with the little ones, all while capturing special and unique moments in a way that tells your story!




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